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Acne is a skin disease caused by chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands. It consists of pimples and blackheads, especially on the face and neck, which if not properly treated may may leave ugly scars. If you are a teenager, you can't wait to get rid of it. Ad if you are an adult, you can't believe that it is back!

Acne often appears during adolescence because of changing hormone levels, which enlarge the oil glands and encourage them to produce more oil. The increase in oil appears to fuel acne. The situation usually settles down by the end of their teen years or during the early 20s.

Who Gets Acne?

Almost all teenage boys and around 80% of teenage girls will suffer from acne. Blame those male hormones!!!

In contrast, women are most likely than men to have acne in their 20s, 30s and 40s. Women may also be more likely to visit dermatologists for treatment.

Why do adults get acne?
Hormonal changes.
Occupational exposure.

What to do? No matter what's causing your acne, there are steps you can take to help clear up your skin.

Use benzoyl peroxide.
Do no harm. In other words, don't pick, press, rub or manipulate those pimples.
Apply over-the-counter products for prevention.
Wash your face properly.
Don't exfoliate or remove the top layer of the dead skin.
Watch out for oily products. Avoid them.
Use water-based makeup.
Don't touch your face.

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